Pengaruh pendekatan flipped classroom terhadap hasil belajar siswa SMA pada materi trigonometri
Mathematical Problem Solving, Plane Shapes, GeometryAbstract
At this time the learning scheme is mixing between online learning and offline learning, which is further called blended learning. Therefore, the author conducted research on blended learning. The study aims to determine the influence of the Flipped Classroom approach on the math learning outcomes of grade XI high school students on trigonometric materials. This research uses the research method used, namely Class Action Research (PTK) which runs 2 (two) cycles, the first cycle of conventional learning and the second cycle using the Flipped Classroom model. The study was conducted on 16 students. The results of this study, researchers, received an average increase in student grades of 19.0625 which was originally a student average of 62,375 to 81.4375. And there was an increase in the number of students who graduated from KKM by 18.75% which was originally 50% to 68.75%. Then it can be concluded that the Flipped Classroom model provides a stirring to the student's math learning outcomes.
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