Eksplorasi etnomatematika pada kerajinan gerabah keramik Plered


  • Guntur Gunawan IKIP Siliwangi
  • Muhammad Irpan Gunawan IKIP Siliwangi
  • Dea Tiara Universitas PGRI Silampari
  • Harry Dwi Putra IKIP Siliwangi


Ethnomathematic, ceramic pottery, Mathematical concept, Exploration


Education and culture are two things that are integrated into one another. Education can give knowledge of the cultural values of a region. And cultural progress was made through education. Ethnomath represents a learning approach that links local cultural wisdom in a mathematical context. Each region has its own culture, such as the purwakarta district which has a distinctive cultural heritage of plered pottery. The study aims to examine and analyze the exploration of ethnomathematics in pottery pottery plered into tubes to provide information on the development of ethnomathematics in tube geometry and engraving. Exploratory research and ethnographic approach are used in this study. Based on this study, it was obtained that pottery contained a geometric element of one of the tubes. The engraving also contained a circular geometric element and used a concept of reflection in mathematics. Based on Research it appears that the concept of constructing curved spaces is the tube, the flat wake of circles and rhombuses, parallel linear equations, and the intersecting lines and angles to the lines. This proves that mathematicians can help students understand everyday problems.


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