Pendekatan realistic mathematics education sebagai upaya meningkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematik


  • Rizaldy Firdaus SDN Lagadar 2
  • Dewi Ratna Sari SMA Darul Falah


Realistic Mathematics Education, problem solving skill


This research is a Classroom Action Research (PTK) or Classroom Action Research. The problem formulated in this study is whether through an approach Realistic Mathematics Education can improve students' problem solving skills? With the aim to examine the increase in problem solving abilities. This research was conducted at SMP An Naja Boarding school in class VIII-A with a total of 30 students who are in West Bandung Regency. This research procedure consists of: (1) planning; (2) implementation of actions; (3) observation and evaluation; (4) reflection. The instrument used in this study was a problem solving ability test, student activity sheets and observation sheets. The data obtained were students answers from the test results, student activity report sheets and observation result sheets, which were then analyzed  as data sources. The results in the first cycle, there were 6.67% of students who got good grades, while in the second cycle there was an increase, namely 93.3% of students who received good grades. From the data collection, it appears that there is an increase in students' math problem solving ability by 32.63%. Based on the findings, the results of research data analysis and research discussion, it can be concluded that the problem-solving ability of the eighth grade students of SMP An Naja Boarding school can be improved through approaches Realistic Mathematic Education. This is known by the increasing number of students who get an increase in scores in their test results and student participation in the learning process which has increased.


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