Meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi matematik siswa SMP dengan pendekatan contextual teaching and learning
Mathematical Connection, Contextual Teaching, Learning ApproachAbstract
This research is motivated by the low ability of mathematical connections and aims to examine the improvement of the mathematical connection skills of junior high school students who get the Contextual Teaching and Learning approach compared to those who get ordinary learning. The method used is a quasi-experimental method. The population in this study were students at a State Junior High School in West Bandung Regency, with a sample of two classes that were not randomly selected, namely class VIII-A as the class that received learning with the Contextual Teaching and Learning approach and class VIII-B as the class that received regular learning. . The research instrument used was a mathematical connection ability test in the form of a description. In this study the data were processed by testing normality, homogenity and the difference test of two t-test means with the help of SPSS Version 22 software. The results showed that the increase in the mathematical connection ability of junior high school students with the Contextual Teaching and Learning approach was better than the class that received regular learning. The difficulty experienced by students in solving problems of mathematical connection ability is found in the indicators of implementing problem solving strategies.
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